Burning Permits
A burning permit grants the individual holder the right to burn small amounts of dry leaves, plant clippings, brush, and clean untreated-unpainted wood if weather conditions do not pose a fire hazard.
An online burning permit is a convenient way to get your permit. You can activate it through your online account or by phone as often as needed (if conditions are safe to burn). It costs $5.00 (transaction fee) and is good for the calendar year. If you anticipate having more than one fire during a calendar year, please consider an annual permit. For more information, click on the link below:
Burning permit information | Minnesota DNR (state.mn.us)
A written burning permit can be obtained through an active local fire warden at no cost. It is good for one or three continuous days, as listed on the permit. Contact the local fire warden below to obtain a 1-day or 3-day burning permit:
Dale Thomforde (507-226-1082)
Mankato-Mississippi River Transmission Project
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) and Minnesota Department of Commerce will hold public information and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) scoping meetings on the application of Xcel Energy for a certificate of need and a route permit for the Mankato – Mississippi River Transmission Line Project.
Note that Segment 4 may affect some properties in New Haven Township.
Click below to view the complete notice, including dates and times for in-person meetings:
For more information on the MMRT Project, click on the link below to an external website. Detailed maps of the alternative routes are available on the ‘Segments’ page. There is an interactive map that includes a zoom function and satellite view for more detail.
Work / Obstructions in Township Road Right-of-Way
Residents are reminded that it is unlawful to perform any work or prohibited actions within the Township’s road right-of-way without prior approval. Under Minn. Stat. § 160.2715 it is a criminal misdemeanor to perform unauthorized work within the road right-of-way.
Prohibited actions within the Township’s road right-of-way include, but are not limited to, the following: depositing snow, plowing, planting of crops, trees or shrubs, erecting a fence, installing posts or flags, erecting driveway headwalls, digging holes, removing earth, removing gravel or rock, obstructing ditch drainage, placing or maintaining any building, placing unauthorized advertisements, as well as any other unauthorized activity.
Click below for the forms to apply for Temporary Construction Permits:
House Number Fire Sign Application
New Haven Township residents can purchase fire signs for $50, including installation. Click below to view the house-number fire sign application and details.
Campaign Certification of Filing
Under Minnesota Statute 211A.02 subd. 6, the Campaign Financial Report Certifications of Filing can be viewed by selecting the year below: